• 西班牙造型师在头发上打印图案

    21-04-17 西班牙造型师兼发型师亚历克西斯费勒一直以创造超凡脱俗的发型而闻名,如今他又用前所未有的创新技术改变了时尚潮流。他是第一个尝试在头发上打印图案的美发师,经过数年的研究和试验,他终于能够在头发上展现出复杂而精确的彩色图案。 Barcelona-based stylist and ha...

  • 3D打印配电室在广州开工

    19-03-22 A power distribution room built with 3D printing technology has started operation in Guangzhou, capital of southern Chinas Guangdong Province. 一座3D打印技术建造的配电室在广州开工。 The electrical room, the first of its kind nationwide, measures 12....

  • 杭州某小学开设活字印刷课程

    19-03-08 Students at a primary school in Hangzhou had their first class on Tuesday on how to make movable type, an ancient Chinese printing system, reports Global Times. 杭州某小学的学生周二上了一堂使用活字印刷术的课程。 The West Lake Primary School in the c...

  • 3D打印产品的超导性能

    16-07-19 3D printing is revolutionizing many areas of manufacturing and science. In particular, 3-D printing of metals has found novel applications in fields as diverse as customized medical implants, jet engine bearings and rapid prototyping for the automot...

  • 中国研发首台零重力3D打印机

    16-04-20 Its been announced that China has developed its first zero-gravity 3D printer. 中国已研发出首台零重力3D打印机。 The device has been specially designed for use in a space station. With the help of in-orbit 3D printing, astronauts will be able to make...