• 英国圣诞老人给人送礼物长达25年

    15-12-24 He could almost pass for Santa if he had more real teeth than tattoos, didn't chain-smoke and rode with reindeer instead of on a motor tricycle. 假如他身上不是有那么多纹身,比他的真牙还多,不一根接一根地抽烟,不是骑着三轮摩托而是乘驯鹿去送礼物,他长...

  • 小朋友认为女圣诞老人不能胜任工作

    15-12-24 What if Santa was a woman - could she do the job? That's the question an advertising agency posed. 假如圣诞老人是个女的,她能胜任这个工作吗?近日,一家广告公司抛出了这个问题。 The answer, according to the four to ten-year-olds they asked, was a reso...

  • 《亚瑟的圣诞》小揭秘

    15-12-24 Arthur Christmas reveals the incredible, never-before seen answer to every child's question: 'So how does Santa deliver all those presents in one night?' The answer: Santa's exhilarating, ultra-high-tech operation hidden beneath the North Pole. 对于...

  • Birthday presents 生日礼物

    14-07-30 A woman had bought birthday presents for her husband. She was so excited and anxious to tell him. She said, I've bought two presents for your birthday, dear. I would tell you now because I can't wait until that day. One present is a mat to put in fr...

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 14

    12-05-10 A Happy Birthday The twelfth of October was Rose's birthday, but no one seemed to remember that interesting fact, and she felt delicate about mentioning it, so fell asleep the night before wondering if she would have any presents. That question was...

  • 悉尼老板拒付圣诞工资被罚款

    11-12-25 A Sydney boss deliberately refused to pay five of his staff their Christmas wages, despite pleas from one long-serving worker that he would not be able to buy presents for his children. 悉尼一位老板近日因故意拒付五位员工的圣诞节工资被罚。此前他不顾...

  • 男性更舍得花钱给情人买礼物

    11-12-25 As you settle down to watch Love Actually with your family this Christmas - and laugh at the seemingly ridiculous plot devices - one scene will ring especially true to a lot of philandering men. 这个圣诞节,当你和家人一起观看电影《真爱至上》,对看似...
