• hypocrite 伪君子,伪善者

    22-02-28 hypocrite [hpkrt] n.伪君子,伪善者 这个表达大家可能更加熟悉,美剧中也经常出现,比如《生活大爆炸》里Leonard曾说: What are you looking at? Youve never seen a hypocrite before? 看什么看,没见过伪君子吗? 引申: 这个单词有一个变形:hypocrisy [hpkrs] n....

  • 偏见是每个人的正常思维

    11-12-22 Where does prejudice come from? Not from ideology(意识形态) , say the authors of a new paper. Instead, prejudice stems from a deeper psychological need, associated with a particular way of thinking. People who aren't comfortable with ambiguity(含...

  • 人们习惯向性格可能改变的人提出意见

    10-07-29 Confronting someone who makes a prejudiced(怀偏见的) remark can be a good thingbut not everyone does it. Researchers at Stanford University studied how and when targets of bias(偏见,斜纹) will speak up, and found that they're more likely to do...
