• lavish praise on 捧场

    22-09-01 捧场,原指特意到剧场去赞赏戏曲演员的表演(be a member of a claque),如今泛指特意到场对别人的某种活动表示支持、助兴,例如谢谢你来捧场,可以翻译为Thank you for your presence at my banquet。 捧场还可以表示对别人的某种行为说赞扬的话(lavish praise on,f...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 17

    21-11-29 The Allens had now entered on the sixth week of their stay in Bath; and whether it should be the last was for some time a question, to which Catherine listened with a beating heart. To have her acquaintance with the Tilneys end so soon was an evil w...

  • 叫座

    21-11-15 评价一部电影时,我们经常会用到叫好,叫座这两个词汇。从字面意思来看,叫好比较好理解,即对于精彩的事物大声喊好(shout bravo),表示applaud,praise。那么叫座的含义呢? 叫座,是指戏剧或演员对观众很有吸引力(be a hit with audience, appeal to the audience...

  • praise junkies 求赞党

    15-09-25 Praise junkies refer to those who constantly seeks/craves praise and attention and highlights everything good they have achieved in order to get praised. 求赞党是指那些不断寻求或渴望获得褒奖和人们关注的人。为受表扬,他们会强调自己做的所有好事。 Case...

  • You Gotta Have Faith

    15-03-02 There was a little old lady, who every morning stepped onto her front porch, raised her arms to the sky, and shouted: PRAISE THE LORD! One day an atheist moved into the house next door. He became irritated at the little old lady. Every morning he'd...

  • 赞扬的益处

    13-05-14 It was the end of my exhausting first day as a waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone awry(失败,出错) , my apron(围裙) was stained, my feet ached. The loaded trays I carried felt heavier and heavier. Weary and discouraged, I di...

  • Dad seeking praise 老爸求赞美

    13-03-21 5-year-old daughter, wanting her father to help her do something. Father: I'm so tired, if you praise me, I'll Be fresh. Daughter: Lao Zheng! Dad: Hey! Daughter: Your chick looks really nice ah ...... 5岁的女儿让老爸帮她做某事。 老爸:爸爸很累啦,你...
