• practice的三个用法

    22-12-05 以字母 ce 结尾的 practice 是名词,以 se 结尾的 practise 是动词。名词 practice 有三个常见含义:实践、惯例 和 训练。 用法总结 1 名词 practice 可以指 实践,实施,强调 将某事付诸实践,而不只是想法或理论。 It sounded like a good plan but in practice, it...

  • 新研究:熟不一定能生巧

    19-08-22 With blatant disregard for the public benefits of motivational idioms, researchers have concluded that practice does not, necessarily, make perfect. 近日,一些研究人员公然无视熟能生巧的普世道理,得出结论说:熟不一定能生巧。 A study of violinists fou...

  • desk staging 桌面装忙

    16-06-23 Desk staging is the practice of covering your desk with papers, completed work, and other important-looking papers to give the appearance that you are really busy when really youre surfing the net, watching videos and doing other non-work things. De...

  • 想成为自信演讲达人 不妨试试这三步

    16-05-20 1. Prepare. While preparing for my speech, I was at a loss about what I should say. Hall of Fame speaker Patricia Fripp later asked me, If you could have one sentence instead of the entire talk, what would you say? My message was, Go for your dreams...