• 如何表达自己“内急”

    22-04-20 Pee/ Poo 小盆友的尿尿和便便 I want to pee/ go poo poo. 我想尿尿/便便 Powder my nose 去补补妆(最优雅隐晦的说法) Excuse me, I need to powder my nose. 抱歉,我需要去补补妆。 Take a leak 去小便(通常是男生用的哦) Sorry, Im going to take a leak. 不好...

  • Mascara 睫毛膏

    22-01-25 眉毛(Eyebrows) 姐妹们画重点:眉毛(Eyebrows)真的很重要啊!你是蜡笔小新还是黛玉?是卡戴珊御姐范还是宋慧乔妹妹都可以从眉毛体现出来啊! 目的:给整张脸定框架,好的眉形绝对会为你的脸蛋儿锦上添花的(Eyebrows will flatter your face)! 购物Tips: Eyebrow pen...

  • Setting powder or Compact 定妆

    22-01-25 个人觉得,不管你是什么皮(oil油皮/dry干性/normal中性/combination混合/sensitive敏感),用散粉定妆真的可以让你的底妆看起来更精致,也可以让底妆更持久,有些粉底不定妆的话,脸会粘粘的有木有! 目的:让底妆更持久,让后续上其他彩妆的工作更轻松。 购物Tips:...

  • 英国学生的日常饮食

    21-02-08 刚刚入学的大学生会遇到很多新挑战,尤其是当你初次离开家长,独自生活的时候。其中,最大的挑战就是喂饱自己的肚子了:没有家长的照料,你每天吃什么?你会做什么菜?这些都是需要考虑的问题。 Starting at university or college can be a big challenge, especially...

  • 强生向产品受害者赔款7200万美元

    16-02-26 The pharmaceutical company Johnson Johnson has been ordered to pay 72 million US dollars to the family of a woman from Missouri whose death from ovarian cancer was linked to her longstanding use of the company's talcum powder based products. 美国密...

  • Robison Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 Chapter 12-A CAVE RETREA

    16-01-06 WHILE this was doing, I was not altogether careless of my other affairs; for I had a great concern upon me for my little herd of goats: they were not only a ready supply to me on every occasion, and began to be sufficient for me, without the expense...

  • Robison Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 Chapter 2-SLAVERY AND ESCAPE

    15-12-09 THAT evil influence which carried me first away from my father's house-which hurried me into the wild and indigested notion of raising my fortune, and that impressed those conceits so forcibly upon me as to make me deaf to all good advice, and to th...

  • 用碳粉从水中提取氢气

    13-08-29 In the latest advance in efforts to find an inexpensive way to make hydrogen from ordinary water -- one of the keys to the much-discussed hydrogen economy -- scientists are reporting that powder from high-grade charcoal and other forms of carbon can...
