• 匪夷所思的岛国创意 成人裹布疗法

    17-01-03 Otona Maki, or adult wrapping, is a Japanese therapeutic method of correcting posture and alleviating body stiffness by wrapping the human body in a large piece of cloth that emulates the comfortable feel of a mothers womb. Otona Maki又称成人裹布法...

  • 侧面站姿能判断未来是否遭受背痛折磨

    15-12-04 Your 'posture profile' can identify whether you will suffer from aches and pains in later life, the British Chiropractic Association has said. 英国脊椎治疗协会表明,从侧面站姿就能判断你是否会在以后遭受背痛折磨。 People whose heads lean forward are m...

  • 可以阻止人们驼背的衬衫

    15-05-30 Dutch designer Jeffrey Heiligers' latest clothing line - 'Posture' - targets people who spend most of their time hunched over a computer. 荷兰设计师杰弗里海里格斯最近推出的服装系列姿势针对那些整天在电脑前弯腰驼背的人群。 By preventing the wearer fro...

  • high-handed posture 高压态势

    14-03-28 The Party vowed on Wednesday to fight corruption firmly and to maintain its high-handed posture in the next five years. 党中央周三表示将坚决打击腐败,在今后五年保持反腐高压态势。 高压态势就是high-handed posture,这意味着政府将采取high-handed measure...

  • 坐姿不当能造成体质虚弱

    11-07-13 Mothers have been telling their children to stop slouching(没精打采地坐着) for ages. It turns out that mom was onto something and that poor posture(姿势,态度) not only makes a bad impression, but can actually make you physically weaker. Accordi...
