• Turkey-Israel in air exercise row 土耳其推迟联合空军演习

    09-10-12 Turkey has postponed a joint air force drill after opposing Israel's participation, the Israeli army says. 以色列军队称,在反对以色列的加入之后,土耳其推迟了一场联合空军演习。 US aircraft were set to take part in the exercise The regular exercise to...

  • Ugandan king postpones town rally 乌干达国王推迟城镇访问计划

    09-09-14 The king of Uganda's largest ethnic group, the Buganda, has put off a visit to a town in his kingdom, his spokesman has said. 乌干达最大种族的统治者布干达的发言人表示,布干达推迟了其国家某城镇的访问计划。 Kampala is littered with debris after the ki...
