• 此话当真?

    22-08-15 1. Do you really mean it? 你真是这个意思吗? 2. Are you serious? 此话当真? 3. Did I hear it wrongly? 我刚才没听错吧? 4. What are you trying to say? 你到底想说什么? 5. How is that possible? 那怎么可能呢? 6. Are you kidding me? 你跟我开玩笑呢吧?...

  • 英文网聊缩略语-短句篇

    22-06-07 AEAP - as early as possible 尽早 ASL - age, sex, location 年龄、性别、所在地 ATM - at the moment 此刻,马上 AFAIK - as far as I know 据我所知 BFF - best friends forever 死党,永远的好朋友 BRB - be right back 很快回来 BTW - by the way 顺便问一句 FWIW...

  • 如何打断唠叨

    22-05-26 如果对方喋喋不休,自说自话,而你又有别的想法,不如这样打断对方: I understand what youre getting at, but (Im just not interested/I just cant /it just wont be possible) at the moment. 我了解你所说的事情,只是我现在(不感兴趣/无法去/不可能去)。 或者...

  • 林氏网络新词

    13-07-18 Lintastic 林精彩 Linlicious 林美味 Linflamed 林发炎 Linvader 林入侵 Linvincible 林无敌 Linspiration 林激励 Linpossible 林可能 Linsanity 林来疯 Lindynasty 林王朝 Linternational 国际林 Lincredible 林(另)眼相看 Linderella 林(灰)姑娘...
