• Laba porridge 腊八粥

    21-01-25 腊八粥 Laba porridge Traditionally, the Laba porridge is the most important element of the festival. 传统上,腊八粥是腊八节最重要的元素。 Generally, the porridge contains eight ingredients which can include glutinous rice, red beans, millet, Chinese...

  • 每天喝粥可预防癌症

    16-06-19 A large bowl of porridge each day may protect against death from cancer, the biggest ever analysis of the benefits of whole grains has shown. 迄今有关粗粮好处的最大规模分析显示,每天喝一大碗粥可预防癌症带来的死亡。 Oats have long been considered a s...

  • 每天食用一小碗粥可延年益寿

    15-01-11 A small bowl of porridge each day could be the key to a long and healthy life, after a major study by Harvard University found that whole grains reduce the risk of dying from heart disease. 据哈佛大学研究表明,延年益寿的要诀是每天食用一小碗粥,当中...

  • 庆祝全球喝粥日 伦敦举办煮粥大赛

    14-10-18 为庆祝全球喝粥日,10日,伦敦举办了一场别开生面的煮粥大赛。各位参赛者挖空心思,煮出了花样百出的粥品。 Dr. Samuel Johnson's dictionary once summarily dismissed porridge, defining oats as a grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in S...
