• 美国83%受访者认为经济不景气

    22-06-10 据财富网站6月6日报道,《华尔街日报》与芝加哥大学全国民意研究中心(NORC)进行的一项最新民调结果显示,通货膨胀和高利率让美国民众对经济感到悲观,约83%的受访者认为美国经济状况糟糕或不景气,民众满意度降至1972年以来最低水准。 Roughly 83% of respondents sa...

  • 泽连斯基乌克兰总统大选获胜

    19-04-22 The national exit poll showed on Sunday that Ukrainian actor Volodymyr Zelensky won the countrys presidential election, the Ukrainian government-run Ukrinform news agency said. 乌克兰国家通讯社表示,民意调查显示演员弗拉基米尔泽连斯基在大选中获得胜利...

  • 不喜欢希拉里的人数量创新高

    16-09-01 U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clintons image is at its record low with Americans in her 25-year national public life, a new poll said on Wednesday. 周三发布的一项新调查显示,美国民主党总统候选人希拉里克林顿在美国人民心中的形象达到她25...

  • 斯里兰卡总统拉贾帕克萨在总统选举中落败

    15-01-09 Sri Lanka's incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa has conceded defeat in the country's presidential election. 斯里兰卡现任总统马欣达拉贾帕克萨承认自己在大选中失利。 A handout image released by the Sri Lankan President Media Division shows President...

  • 金正恩全票当选全国人大代表

    14-03-10 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been elected to the country's rubber-stamp parliament with a unanimous vote from his district, state media say. 朝鲜领导人金正恩所在地区全票通过他当选全国人民代表大会代表。 Mr Kim became leader of North Korea afte...