• polite expressions/remarks 客套话

    21-11-16 都说中国人爱客套,说起客套话来那是滔滔不绝。比如下次请你吃饭,改天来我家玩儿,你今天真漂亮,我真的很想你 实际上,这些客套话听听就好,认真你就输了! 客套话指为表示客气所说的话,可以翻译为polite expressions/remarks。客套指非常正式、有礼貌的举止(very...

  • well-mannered 彬彬有礼

    20-12-16 彬彬有礼,汉语成语,原意为文质兼备的样子,后形容文雅有礼貌的样子。可以翻译为refined and courteous; behave in a refined and civil manner; well-mannered。 例句: 他彬彬有礼,但实际上却是在告诉我,我不可能得到这份工作。 He was very polite but effective...

  • 用一般过去将来时谈论曾经的计划和想法

    20-12-13 当人们需要描述在过去的某个时间里对未来的预想时,预想结果正确与否并无多大关系,则通常需要使用一般过去将来时。一般过去将来时的基本形式有两种:一、在谈论曾经的意图和对未来的想法时,用 was/were+going to;二、在描述曾经对一件事情发生的可能性的判断时,用...

  • 怎样让你的英语听起来更礼貌?

    20-03-11 Having good social skills is important if you want to make a good impression on the people you meet. Heres some advice on what is considered polite or impolite in English-speaking cultures. 当你和别人见面时,要想留下好的印象,拥有良好的社交技巧很重...

  • name的不同短语表达

    17-02-27 1. Make a name for yourself 成名、出名 How do you make a name for yourself without scoring the basketball? 在篮球场上你如果没有得分的强项,如何能有名气呢? 2. Call someone names 谩骂某人 It is not polite to call someone names. 骂人是不礼貌的行为。 3...

  • 狨猴懂得进行“礼貌的交谈”

    13-10-18 Humans aren't the only species that knows how to carry on polite conversation. Marmoset(狨猴) monkeys, too, will engage one another for up to 30 minutes at a time in vocal turn-taking, according to evidence reported in the Cell Press journal Curre...

  • Who's More Polite

    13-04-10 A fat man and a skinny man were arguing about who was the more polite. The skinny man said he was more polite because he always tipped his hat to ladies. But the fat man knew he was more courteous because, whenever he got up and offered his seat, tw...

  • 有所为有所不为

    12-09-13 Do's Be polite and friendly. Initiate(开始,发起) and engage in conversation. Be involved in all programmes. Make your own bed. Wash your own plates and cups. Maintain cleanliness and personal hygiene(卫生) Put things back after using them. Help...

  • Tell a lie

    12-06-21 Mom: Which banana do you want, Victor? Victor: I want that one of the greatest. Mom: Victor, you should be polite, to have that little one. Victor: Mom, I must lie to be polite? 妈妈:你要哪一只香蕉,维克多? 维克多:我要那只最大的。 妈妈:维克多,...

  • Who was more polite 谁更礼貌

    10-05-28 Who was more polite A fat man and a skinny man were arguing about who was more polite. The skinny man said he was more polite because he always tipped his hat to ladies. But the fat man said he was the more courteous because, whenever he got up and...
