• 关于扑克的口语用法

    22-08-02 1.Poker face 脸上毫无表情,不动声色 I tried to keep a poker face even though I was scared to death when I went back to my doctor to hear the results of my lab tests. 当我到医生那里去看试验结果的时候,我害怕得要死。可是我尽量装得若无其事。 2.Wild car...

  • poker-faced 扑克脸,面无表情的

    22-06-10 Poker-faced expressionless (comes from the game of poker where you must not let your face reveal whether you have a good or bad card) 扑克脸 - 面无表情的(来源于扑克游戏,玩扑克时不能让表情泄露自己是牌好还是牌坏) 例句: The clients sat poker-faced...

  • 中国首届斗地主大赛周六开赛

    16-09-06 Landlord or Dou Di Zhu in Chinese has seen its first ever national contest on Saturday. 中国首届全国性斗地主大赛将在本周六开赛。 The winner could get as much as five million yuan, and players can also gain master points that will be the basis for a...

  • To Kill a Mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟 Chapter 8

    14-11-13 For reasons unfathomable to the most experienced prophets in Maycomb County,autumn turned to winter that year. We had two weeks of the coldest weather since 1885,Atticus said. Mr. Avery said it was written on the Rosetta Stone that when childrendiso...

  • 美国某赌场以作弊起诉玩家

    14-04-16 A New Jersey casino is suing a professional poker player it says won $9.6m by cheating at baccarat. 新泽西州一家赌场起诉某扑克专业玩家,称他在赌博中作弊赢了960万美元。 Phil Ivey is a nine-time World Series of Poker winner and is considered one of of...

  • 美国格雷格·莫森赢得世界扑克大赛

    12-11-01 Professional US card player Greg Merson has won the World Series of Poker, going home $8.53m richer. 美国专业扑克选手格雷格莫森在世界扑克锦标赛中获胜,将853万美元奖金捧回家。 Greg Merson has not revealed how he plans to spend the prize money Merson,...

  • 德国警方逮捕扑克锦标赛抢劫嫌疑犯

    10-03-23 German police have arrested a man they suspect of being the mastermind of an armed raid on a poker tournament in Berlin. 德国警方逮捕一名男子,该男子涉嫌策划在柏林扑克锦标赛上进行武装抢劫。 The heavily-armed gang made off with the tournament jackpot...
