• 癌症疫苗研究获重大突破

    11-12-18 A VACCINE that could deal a serious blow to seven in 10 lethal cancers has been developed by scientists. 科学家研发出一种疫苗,可有力地抗击70%的致命癌症。 In tests, it shrank breast tumours by 80 percent and researchers believe it could also tackle...

  • 巴格达发生连环爆炸 8人死亡

    11-11-07 At least eight people have been killed by a series of blasts at a market in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, say reports. 报道称,伊拉克首都巴格达一座市场内发生连环爆炸,至少8人被杀。 The Shurja market has been a target for attacks in the past Three explo...

  • 调查:年轻人更喜欢请病假

    11-10-15 Younger people are twice as likely to miss work through illness as their older colleagues, according to a new survey. 最新调查显示,年轻人请病假的几率是年长同事的两倍。 Under-30s are more likely to stay at home while suffering from colds and flu, al...
