• 包含水果的地道口语 上

    22-08-03 1.To compare apples and oranges is to uselessly compare unlike things. 对比不相干的事物,没有意义。 2.The apple of (ones) eye is a favorite or well-like person. 掌上明珠。 3.To say that the apple never falls far from the tree is to suggest that a pe...

  • 约会口语-如何邀约

    22-06-10 比如,今晚你有空不?你...时候有空吗?你愿意和我约会吗?等,下面的句子都可以活学活用起来喔~ 1. Are you free/available tonight? 你今晚有空吗? 2. If you dont have plans on Friday, would you like to go out to dinner? 如果你周五没什么安排的话,你愿意和...

  • 如何拒绝邀请

    22-05-26 你要做的事情就是: 1)说出感谢 2)说不 3)给出理由 还有可能: 4)建议其他时间或日期 举个例子 Thank you so much for the invitation, but Im afraid I have a prior engagement. 非常感谢您的邀请,但我已经有约了。 更正式一些 Thanks for the invitation!Im really...