• 五个“音乐”词汇:tune, tone, note, pitch, notation

    22-12-01 我们先听一个简短的音频,通过音频中的故事,来帮助大家理解这些词语在含义和用法上的区别。 Example I went to a concert last night, and ever since, theres been a particular tune that I cant stop singing! The tone of the orchestra was superb. The main per...

  • pitch in 对某事或某人有帮助,加入

    22-05-11 (To) Pitch in 如果你试图从字面意思上理解这个俚语,你会发现这根本讲不通。象征性地来说,它表示对某事或某人有帮助,也有加入的意思。如果你的父亲告诉家里人这周末他想要每个人都动起身来,帮助打扫后院,这表示他想要每个人都贡献力量,清扫院子,让事情完成得更...

  • pitch

    20-10-31 单词 pitch 可以表达的意思不止一个,有关这个词的词源以及各个词义之间是否有联系,人们是众说纷...

  • elevator pitch 电梯游说

    12-04-17 An elevator pitch (or elevator statement) is a short summary used to quickly and simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition. The name elevator pitch reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver the summary...
