13-08-21 Guangdong province is to launch a pilot project requiring all Party and government officials to report their assets , in the latest move to curb corruption. 广东省推最新反腐举措,将推出试点项目要求所有党政机关干部申报财产。 To report assets就是申报...
13-08-15 Two people were killed when a UPS cargo plane crashed as it approached an airport in Birmingham, Alabama, and exploded in a fireball, officials say. UPS一架货运飞机在阿拉巴马州伯明翰一座机场降落的时候坠毁并爆炸成一团火球,两人丧生。 The pilot and co...
13-07-08 The Boeing 777 that crash-landed at San Francisco airport was significantly below its target speed near the runway and the pilot tried to abort the landing, US investigators say. 美国调查者称,在旧金山机场紧急迫降的波音777客机在到达跑道前明显低于目...
13-06-07 A few years ago, my younger sister and I were the first ones down the tunnel to board our flight for Norfolk, Virginia. Just as we were about to board the plane, a mechanic emerged from inside the aircraft and blocked the door with his arms. He turn...
13-03-01 澳大利亚一位业余飞行员将于今年7月驾驶一架完全由塑料废品提炼的燃油为动力的飞机从悉尼飞往伦敦,全程共飞6天,每天计划飞行1500英里(约合2414公里)。 A pilot will attempt the 10,500-mile trip from Sydney to London using a fuel that has never before been...
12-09-13 Charles Chuck Plumb was a U.S. Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, his plane was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile. Plumb ejected and parachuted into enemy hands. He was captured and spent six years in a communist Vietnamese pri...
12-05-16 The Pentagon has issued further safety procedures for its most advanced fighter jet after pilots complained of oxygen shortages during flights. 美国五角大楼宣布对其最先进的战斗机F22进行进一步的安全检查,此前曾有飞行员抱怨在飞行时感到缺氧。 There are...
12-02-16 A couple of hunters chartered a small plane to fly them to a forest, and made an appointment with the pilot to come back and fetch them in about two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, they had shot a lot of animals that they wanted to load onto the...
09-09-14 An Israeli F-16 fighter jet has crashed in the West Bank, killing the pilot. 一架以色列F16战斗机坠落在约旦河西岸,飞行员未能幸免。 The 21-year-old pilot, Assaf Ramon, was the son of Israel's only astronaut, Ilan Ramon, who died in the explosion of t...
09-09-13 A five-day strike by pilots at Indian airline Jet Airways which led to the cancellation of 800 flights has ended. 印度Jet Airways航空公司飞行员发起的为期五天的罢工已经结束,此次罢工造成800架次航班取消。 Hundreds of flights were cancelled during the...