• 世界最大宗教集会 印度大壶节正在进行中

    19-01-15 The largest religious gathering anywhere on earth gets under way Tuesday, with tens of millions of Hindu pilgrims congregating in India to bathe in sacred rivers for the Kumbh Mela. 世界上最大的宗教集会活动大壶节周二在印度展开,数以千万计的印度教朝...

  • 麦加朝圣活动开始

    15-09-23 Muslims from across the world poured into a sprawling tent city in the Saudi desert on Tuesday, on the first day of the annual Islamic hajj pilgrimage. 伊斯兰年度朝觐活动开始第一天,来自世界各地的穆斯林涌入了沙特沙漠中的一座庞大的帐篷城麦加。 More t...

  • 朦胧的麦加朝圣之路

    14-12-16 Dangerously high levels of air pollutants are being released in Mecca during the hajj, the annual holy pilgrimage in which millions of Muslims on foot and in vehicles converge on the Saudi Arabian city, according to findings reported today at the Am...

  • 伊拉克出现女性自杀式炸弹袭击事件

    10-02-02 At least 41 people have been killed and 106 injured by a female suicide bomber in north-east Baghdad, an interior ministry spokesman has said. 伊拉克内务部发言人称,巴格达东北部地区一位女性自杀式炸弹袭击造成至少41人死亡,106人受伤。 Women and childr...
