• "随便”该怎么表达

    22-09-20 It depends on you. 意思是:这一切都取决于你,是不是很体贴的feel呢? Its up to you. 在很多情境下的你来决定吧都可以用这句话,表达都听你的,非常实用哦~ Youre the boss. 这也是听你的的意思,从字面就可以看出老板俩字了,都说你是老板了,当然都听你的啦~运用...

  • Pick me up. 来接我。

    22-07-25 Pick me up. 来接我。 【影视实例】《豪斯医生》 JAMES WILSON: Amber was home. GREG HOUSE: I told her to find you. Have you pick me up. 适用情况:女孩子让男友表示关心的常用手段。 补充说明:不一定非要是用小车来接,自行车的甜蜜蜜,人亲自到场护送的都叫pic...

  • find fault with 找茬

    22-07-22 找茬,汉语词语,亦作找碴,意思是吹毛求疵地进行挑剔、批评,故意找麻烦等。可以翻译为find fault with,pick holes/flaws in或pick a quarrel等。 例句: 看他们的架势,是来找茬儿打架的。 They seem to have come only to pick a quarrel with us. 你为什么总是找...

  • pick someone's brains 请教某人

    21-10-14 表达 pick someones brains 的意思是 请教某人,就某个话题咨询这个人的意见,或请此人帮助回答、解决一个问题。这是表示 问问题 的一个非正式说法。 例句 Can I just pick your brains about the meaning of this word? 我能向您请教一下这个词的意思吗? I need to p...

  • pick your brain 我有问题想请教你

    21-04-08 大家在看美剧的时候是不是经常看到pick your brain这样的表达,千万不要误以为这是骂人的话,如果理解错意思,会让别人笑掉大牙。 实际上,pick your brain是指我有问题想请教你,征求某人的意见,向某人学习。 If you have some time later, I like to pick your brai...

  • find fault with somebody on purpose 找茬儿

    21-03-16 找茬儿,中文俗语,表示故意挑毛...

  • 夏季的温馨

    12-11-08 Sweet, wild berries plucked from roadside patches are a delightful side benefit of camping. Each summer, my husband Bob and I would send the kids off with their little metal buckets and the next day we would all enjoy the fruits of their labor: rasp...
