• 中国超过60%的人通过微信阅读

    17-04-19 A total of 62.4 percent of Chinese adults read via the popular messaging app WeChat in 2016, up 10.5 percentage points year on year, according to a survey released on Tuesday. 周二公布的一项调查显示,2016年中国总共有62.4%的成年人在微信上阅读,年同比...

  • 71.8%的中国人每两年即换新手机

    17-04-18 In a survey, 71.8 percent of respondents said they buy new mobile phones every two years or less on average. 一项调查显示,71.8%的受访者表示他们平均每两年或更短时间就会买新手机。 A total of 16.8 percent said they change cellphones every year. Accord...

  • 三星将翻新并出售部分Note7手机

    17-04-01 Samsung has announced it will refurbish and sell some of the millions of Note 7 smartphones that were recalled for safety reasons, in an effort to manage its stockpile in an environmentally friendly manner. 三星宣布,公司计划将此前因安全原因被召回的...

  • infomania 资讯癖

    17-02-23 Infomania is the debilitating state of information overload, caused by the combination of a backlog of information to process, and continuous interruptions from technologies like phones, instant messaging, and e-mail. 资讯癖指的是信息超载的超负荷状...

  • 在飞机上使用手机可能罚款五万

    16-08-10 Passengers using mobile phones on planes might face 50,000 yuan ($7,515) fine, according to a latest draft amendment to the countrys Civil Aviation Law that was published on Monday by the Civil Aviation Administration of China. 根据中国民用航空总局...

  • 六成中国人通过手机看书

    16-04-19 The page has turned for paper books, as cell phones have become the favored way to read media in China, according to findings of a national survey released on Tuesday. 本周二发布的一份全国调查显示,纸质书的时代已经过去,在中国手机已经成为人们阅读媒...

  • 手机离身体太近会降低精子质量

    16-03-04 A new study shows that having a mobile phone close to the testicles - or within a foot or two of the body - can lower sperm levels so much that conceiving could be difficult. 一项最新研究表明,手机的存放位置若靠近睾丸,或者在身体的一两英尺(1英尺=0....

  • digital amnesia 数字失忆症

    16-02-16 Digital amnesia refers to the inability to remember basic things, such as telephone numbers, dates, how to get somewhere without a GPS, or how to do math without using a calculator, etc. as a result of over-reliance on mobile phones and the Internet...

  • 90%的人患有振动幻听综合症

    16-01-16 Many of us have reached in our pockets, feeling a vibration, wrongly believing our mobile phones have just rung. 许多人都曾有过这样的错觉:觉得手机在振动,于是去口袋拿手机,结果手机根本没响。 The phenomenon even has a name: phantom vibration syndrom...

  • 美国公司发明能浮在水面的手机

    15-09-30 More than 82 millions phones are damaged each year after being dropped down the toilet, into swimming pools or lost at the beach. 每年都有超过8200万部手机因为掉进厕所、泳池或在海滩上丢失而损坏。 A number of waterproof handsets have been released to...