• 热磁处理技术能提高聚合物的性能

    14-11-10 For much the same reason LCD televisions offer eye-popping performance, a thermomagnetic processing method developed at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory can advance the performance of polymers. Polymers are used in cars, plan...

  • 运动员的成绩随合同期限缩短而变差

    14-01-24 Professional athletes in the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball can reap very large financial rewards, especially if their performance peaks during their contract year, or the last season before an athlete signs a new contract...

  • 对得高分的学生即时鼓励能提高学习能力

    12-06-27 Test performance can improve dramatically if students are offered rewards just before they are given standardized tests and if they receive the incentive(刺激的) immediately afterward, new research at the University of Chicago shows. Educators hav...

  • 自然灾害影响人类认知能力

    12-02-13 Not surprisingly, victims of a natural disaster can experience stress and anxiety, but a new study indicates that it might also cause them to make more errors -- some serious- in their daily lives. In their upcoming Human Factors article, Earthquake...

  • 迷信可影响到人们日常表现

    10-07-14 Don't scoff at(嘲笑,蔑视) those lucky rabbit feet. New research shows that having some kind of lucky token(象征,记号) can actually improve your performance by increasing your self-confidence. I watch a lot of sports, and I read about sports, a...

  • 研究:医疗护理按表现计薪并不总是管用

    09-11-24 Like everybody, health care professionals enjoy a pay raise for a job well done. But in some instances, financial incentives(财务诱因) for health care performance may actually backfire(产生反效果). A new UCLA study shows that patient-care perfor...

  • 嘎嘎小姐将出演英国皇家汇演

    09-11-22 Eccentric American chart-topper Lady Gaga is to sing for the Queen at the Royal Variety Performance at the Opera House in Blackpool. 美国怪人排行榜榜首嘎嘎小姐将要在布莱克浦歌剧院皇家大汇演中为女王演唱。 Lady Gaga will sing at Blackpool\'s Opera Hou...

  • cross-gender performance 反串表演

    09-11-21 10月20日到11月29日期间,英国TNT剧院将在中国七个城市巡回演出新版《罗密欧和朱丽叶》,这是TNT剧院2006年开始中国巡演以来最大规模和持续时间最长的一次巡演。 请看新华社的报道: The TNT Theater, founded in 1980, has been distinguished for its simple stage d...

  • 'Space clown' hosts global show “太空小丑”举行太空表演

    09-10-11 Circus entrepreneur and first clown in space Guy Laliberte has hosted a global artistic performance from the International Space Station (ISS). 国际空间站马戏团太空第一小丑Guy Laliberte举行了一场全球艺术表演。 Mr Laliberte said Earth appeared fragil...
