• 吃辣能延长寿命和减肥

    22-10-24 近日,吃辣对身体究竟会有什么影响登上热搜,引发网友们的热烈讨论。 There are few things in the food world that evoke stronger opinions than spices like peppers and chilies. 麻婆豆腐、麻辣火锅、辣子鸡......这些美味的菜肴对于无辣不欢派来说,馋得让人流口...

  • 墨西哥人数千年前已开始食用辣椒

    13-11-14 Chili peppers may have been used to make spicy beverages thousands of years ago in Mexico, according to new research published November 13 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Terry Powis at Kennesaw State University and colleagues from other inst...

  • 凉菜类英文译名4

    13-07-18 泡椒凤爪 Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 泡椒鸭翅 Duck Wings with Pickled Peppers 泡椒鸭丝 Shredded Duck with Pickled Peppers 盆盆肉 Lamb Stew 皮蛋豆腐 Tofu with Preserved Eggs 巧拌海茸 Mixed Seaweed 青椒花生米 Deep-Fried Peanuts with Green Pepper...
