• new height of Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰最新高程

    20-12-12 12月8日,国家主席习近平同尼泊尔总统班达里互致信函,共同宣布世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰的最新高程为8848.86米。习近平指出,珠穆朗玛峰是中尼两国世代友好的重要象征。 The new height of Mount Qomolangma, the worlds highest peak, is 8,848.86 meters, according to...

  • top,summit,peak

    20-10-31 top、summit 和 peak 在作名词的时候,都可以指一座山的 顶端、顶点;或者是 人或事物最成功、最重要的巅峰时期。 我们先来听三个例句。在这些例句中,名词 top、summit 和 peak 的意思都是 山顶。 Examples Ive climbed to the top of the mountain! Ive climbed to t...

  • 象征金秋的叶子也有市场

    15-10-17 It's peak fall, and people are going nuts over foliage. 秋意正浓,人们为秋叶而痴狂。 As mid-October approaches, New Englanders wait in anticipation for that iconic time of year when the vibrant colors of fall foliage finally reach their peak. For ma...

  • peak load 最大负荷

    15-07-29 Peak load in Beijing hit 18.3 million kilowatts (kW) at 4:33 pm Monday, breaking the previous high of 17.8 million kW in 2013, according to State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company. 国家电网北京电力公司13日表示,当日16时33分,北京地区电网最大负荷达...

  • 破坏性的风暴日趋发生于两极

    14-05-15 Powerful, destructive tropical cyclones are now reaching their peak intensity farther from the equator and closer to the poles, according to a new study co-authored by an MIT scientist. The results of the study, published today in the journal Nature...

  • 物种进化是可预测的

    13-07-22 If you could hit the reset button on evolution and start over, would essentially the same species appear? Yes, according to a study of Caribbean lizards by researchers at the University of California, Davis, Harvard University and the University of...

  • 80岁日本男子登顶珠峰

    13-05-23 An 80-year old Japanese mountaineer has reached the summit of Mount Everest, making him the oldest man to scale the world's highest peak. 一名80岁的日本登山者爬上珠穆朗玛峰顶峰,他成为最年长的世界最高峰登顶者。 Yuichiro Miura, who climbed Everest wh...

  • roundtrips 往返车次

    11-09-01 The authorities of Beijing Railway Station and Beijing West Railway Station scheduled 18 additional roundtrips to cope with peak travel. 北京火车站和北京西站方面计划增加18个往返车次来应对出行高峰。 在上面的报道中,roundtrip是往返车次的意思,如果指飞...

  • Camp in a California wilderness

    11-02-13 It was like lying in a great solemn cathedral, far vaster and more beautiful than any built by the hand of man, wrote Teddy Roosevelt, of camping in Yosemite Park. At about 4 am, after hours of being unable to sleep; of shivering(颤抖) in the cold...

  • 乌干达玛格丽塔峰山顶冰盖破裂

    10-05-04 The ice cap on Uganda's highest peak has split because of global warming, Uganda's Wildlife Authority (UWA) says. 乌干达野生动物保护局称,因为全球变暖,其国内最高峰的冰盖已经破裂。 Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains in 1987 on the left and in 2005 on the r...