• 《饥饿游戏2》精彩词句

    23-01-31 1. Well, youve now stepped over the line. 这问题有点太深入了。 2. A fairy tale ending for two star-crossed lovers. 这是一对不幸又幸运的恋人。 3. Peacekeepers were gunning them down. 治安官们用枪来镇压他们。 4. I dont want anyone looking to me. 我不...

  • 加拿大总理的孔雀式瑜伽照被疯传

    16-04-06 Canadas prime minister has perfected the peacock pose. 加拿大总理的孔雀式瑜伽堪称完美。 A photo from 2013 showing Justin Trudeau pulling off the yoga move reappeared recently and has gone viral. Toronto yoga instructor David Gellineau shared the pho...

  • 晴雯补裘

    11-04-18 As Xi Ren, the leading service girl who had taken care of Baoyu was away to visit her home, the duties, and the charge of Yihongyuan Court, fell on Qing Wen. A girl anxious to excel in(胜过,擅长) everything, Qing Wen did everything personally. Fo...

  • The strutting peacock

    10-08-24 Once upon a time, a very long time ago, the four-footed animals made the lion their king. There was a gigantic fish that roamed the oceans, and the fish made him their king. The birds were attracted to beauty, so they chose the Golden Swan as their...
