10-02-27 欧洲议会近期通过一项立法草案,拟将欧洲妇女的全薪产假由目前的14周延长至20周,该草案将在3月初的欧洲议会全体会议上进行表决。英国等部分欧盟成员国对此表示反对,称目前各国的相关法案运行良好,能够保证员工和公司双方的利益,完全没有必要出台新规。英国商会人士...
10-02-23 Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address February 13, 2010 All across America, people work hard to meet their responsibilities. You do your jobs, take care of your families, pay your bills. Sometimes, particularly in tough times like these,...
10-01-26 An American woman told to pay $2m (1.23m) for sharing 24 songs over the internet has had her fine slashed. 一位美国妇女因在互联网上共享24首歌曲而被罚款200万美元,日前她已成功使该罚款大幅削减。 Ms Thomas was accused of pirating 24 tracks, including o...
09-12-25 The heads of US mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may each receive pay packages of up to $6m (3.7m) for 2009, depending on company performance. 美国抵押贷款巨头房利美和房地美的首脑每人根据公司绩效情况将可能得到高达600万美元的2009年全部薪酬...
09-11-25 你和朋友们一起聚餐的时候,会怎样处理买单的问题呢?你会在用餐快结束时,悄悄地离席,装作去卫生间,然后毫无张扬地把账结了?还是大家AA制?抑或是别人还没来得及提出分摊时,你就先拿出你应付的钱?你是怎么想的呢?聚餐时大家如何付账才合理而且礼貌呢? Just how...
09-10-17 美国新近的一项研究显示,留唇须的男士更有可能获得高薪工作。这项研究是由美国金融服务提供商Quiken和美国八字胡学会在2009年1月到6月间,对三组各2000名留唇须、留络腮胡和不留胡子的男士进行随机调查后共同执行的。研究结果发现,留唇须的美国男士的平均收入比留络...
09-09-24 Users of the BBC iPlayer should be charged micro payments to use the online catch-up service said Lorraine Heggessey, chief executive of TV production company Talkback Thames. 电视制作公司Talkback Thames首席执行官Lorraine Heggessey称,BBC的iplayer用...
09-08-29 The Icelandic parliament has voted in favour of repaying more than $5bn (3bn) to the governments of the UK and the Netherlands. 冰岛议会投票赞成向英国和荷兰政府偿还50多亿美元存款。 The governments will be reimbursed over 15 years The so-called Icesa...
09-08-12 The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is to publish a code later setting out how banks will have to change their policies on pay and bonuses. 财政管理局将要发布一项关于银行薪资和红利改变的政策。 Specific details of bonuses being deferred are not li...
09-07-29 自从公交一卡通普及以来,我们的出行变得既方便了又便宜。除了乘坐公交车,有一部分超市也能刷公交卡支付,这种形式的刷卡支付比用银行卡购物时又输密码又签名不知道方便了多少倍。据说,有些国家已经开始实行银行卡小额购物也用感应支付方式了,他们管这叫wave and pa...