• follow the same pattern 千篇一律

    22-04-24 千篇一律,汉语成语,原指诗文书画等作品公式化,也泛指事物只有一种形式,没有变化。可以翻译为follow the same pattern,be stereotyped或all in the same key等。 例句: 千篇一律的论调 Stereotyped views 这里的老房子外观千篇一律。 The old houses here have a...

  • 纳米比亚荒漠仙女圈与皮肤细胞有类似的模式

    15-04-08 Patterns appearing on both the very large and very small scale are extremely rare, but researchers at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Japan have found a similar pattern in two apparently unrelated systems --...
