• in a persistent way 持之以恒

    22-11-19 持之以恒,汉语成语,意思是长久坚持下去。可以翻译为persevere in something, in a persistent way等。 例句: 建立制度殊为不易,需要耐心和持之以恒。 Building institutions is arduous and requires patience and persistence....

  • 如何用英语和前任说再见——分手

    22-05-11 分手 break up/parting/leave-taking/split up My girlfriend had broken up with me. 我的女朋友已跟我分手了。 They parted with reluctance. 他们依依不舍地分手了。 Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone. 她分手时说的话让他感觉空虚孤独。 To be...

  • 调查:英国人耐性不比从前

    09-12-12 Brits last an average of eight minutes and 22 seconds before they lose their temper, according to new research. 一项最新调查显示,英国人在发脾气前的忍耐时间平均为8分22秒。 It found that the Internet has increased people's service demands and is erod...
