• Facebook男员工将有四个月的带薪陪产假

    15-12-03 Facebook has announced new fathers working for the company will be allowed to take four months paid paternity leave. 脸书公司宣布,公司初为人父的男员工们将拥有为期四个月的带薪陪产假。 The announcement comes after the company's founder and CEO Mark Z...

  • 90%的瑞典爸爸们休产假

    14-08-01 ALONG with its Nordic neighbours, Sweden features near the top of most gender-equality rankings. The World Economic Forum rates it as having one of the narrowest gender gaps in the world. 跟它的北欧邻国们一样,瑞典在性别平等榜单上名列前茅。世界经济...

  • 日本鼓励生育 区长带头休产假

    10-03-19 作为世界上出生率最低的国家之一,日本近几年不断推出鼓励生育的举措。近日,日本东京某区的区长决定下个月带头回家休产假,希望为广大男士树立榜样,鼓励他们参与到养育孩子的具体工作中。 Hironobu Narisawa, the 44-year-old mayor of Tokyo's Bunkyo ward, announc...

  • Jackson friend claims paternity 杰克逊的朋友宣称父亲身份

    09-08-10 Mark Lester, a former child star and long-time friend of Michael Jackson, says he could be the father of one of the late pop star's children. 前童星、Michael Jackson的好友Mark Lester称,他可能是Jackson最小孩子的父亲。 Speaking to the News Of The Wor...
