• patch up broken relations 重修旧好

    22-06-21 重修旧好,汉语成语,意思是恢复旧情,重归于好,恢复以往的友谊。可以翻译为become reconciled或patch up broken relations等。 例句: 法国和新西兰重修旧好。 France patched things up with New Zealand. 10年前两国曾进行过边境战争,但现在正在重修旧好。 The tw...

  • 和稀泥

    21-11-19 当遇到争端时,有人能始终坚守原则,但有人却恰恰相反,不想得罪任何人,能和稀泥就和稀泥。 和稀泥,字面意思是mix the water into the mud,实际指无原则地调和折中(try to mediate differences at the sacrifice of principle),常用来比喻做事谁也不得罪(give o...

  • scrape together 东拼西凑

    21-05-26 东拼西凑,汉语成语,比喻零乱地加以拼凑,与七拼八凑意思相同。可以翻译为scrape together,patch up或pinch and scrape等。 例句: 东拼西凑的报告 Patched-up report 东拼西凑好不容易搞来几个钱。 It was not without difficulty that we scraped together a small...

  • 科学家研发出一种无痛疫苗贴

    17-07-04 The end of painful vaccination jabs is on the horizon after scientists proved that a skin patch is just as effective at inoculating patients and can be applied at home in just a few minutes. 打疫苗的疼痛很快就要终结了,科学家证实,贴在皮肤上的疫苗贴...

  • 微针给药疗法取得新突破

    13-09-07 An assistant professor with the Virginia Tech -- Wake Forest School of Biomedical Engineering has developed a flexible microneedle patch that allows drugs to be delivered directly and fully through the skin. The new patch can quicken drug delivery t...

  • Broken hearts mend with 'patch' 心脏损伤“补片”修复

    09-08-25 A team of Israeli scientists has developed a potential way to fix the damage from heart attacks. 一组以色列科学家发现了一种可能修复心脏病造成的损伤的方法。 Patches may repair the damage from heart attacks A patch has been made from heart muscle that...
