• 不准男子观看的球赛

    23-01-29 土耳其足协尝试着举办了一次不同寻常的球赛,参赛球队都曾经因为行为不佳而受到过惩罚,而观众则一律为妇女和儿童。这场在土耳其首都伊斯坦布尔举行的 球赛气氛非凡。参赛队包括土耳其顶级球队费内巴切足球俱乐部。 Turkish football fans are famed for their raucous...

  • 3-minute passion 分钟热度

    22-10-12 做事情只有三分钟热度?这是否也一直困扰着你呢?今天我们就来看看如何用英语来表达三分钟热度。 3-minute passion is a Chinese saying which refers to a person having a limited passion or a passion that doesnt last long toward something/someone that he/she...

  • “上火”英语怎么说?

    22-08-31 本来上火这个概念对许多外国友人来说已经很深奥了,可别说成Im on fire让别人更摸不着头脑。 究竟怎么才能准确表达上火呢? 英语中有这样一个词:heatiness a characteristic of certain foods or stimulants said to cause emotional or physical reactions associated...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 30

    22-07-18 Philip was restless and dissatisfied. Haywards poetic allusions troubled his imagination, and his soul yearned for romance. At least that was how he put it to himself. And it happened that an incident was taking place in Frau Erlins house which incr...

  • 3-minute passion 三分钟热度

    15-04-13 3-minute passion is a Chinese saying which refers to a person having a limited passion or a passion that doesn't last long toward something/someone that he/she liked/loved/had passion about. 三分钟热度是个中国俗语,指的是一个人对他喜欢、或者有热情的...