13-08-30 Deep down, men may not bask in(感到舒适) the glory of their successful wives or girlfriends. While this is not true of women, men's subconscious(潜意识的) self-esteem may be bruised when their spouse or girlfriend excels, says a study published...
12-12-28 The term trailing spouse is used to describe a person who follows his or her life partner to another city because of a newly-found job or work assignment. The term is often associated with people involved in an expatriate assignment but is also used...
12-10-27 According to a study, the top priority in a woman's ideal routine would be a little romance with their partner 106 minutes of it, to be precise. 根据一份最新研究,女性理想的日常安排中,最重要的活动是与伴侣亲密相伴,精确地说,是一天为此花费106分钟。...
12-06-30 美国纽约和洛杉矶等地最近流行一种新的交友方式:闻睡衣,找朋友。 Sniff your way to love? Singles who attend so-called pheromone(信息素) parties haven't ruled it out. The get-togethers - which have been held in New York and Los Angeles and are planne...
11-10-30 A staggering 47 percent of the British population has admitted to cheating on a partner - whilst 63 percent have discovered they have been cheated on, a new survey has revealed. 一项新调查揭示,英国多达47%的人承认自己曾出轨,而63%的人曾发现自己遭到...
11-07-30 Women in their 70s value sexual chemistry in a partner more than women in their 40s, according to new research. 一项新研究发现,与40多岁时相比,女人在70多岁时更看重伴侣的性吸引力。 The value women place on sexual attraction dips in middle age but re...
11-02-23 You might think a gentle nudge from a loving partner would help you stick to your plan to redecorate the house or get in shape. But a supportive other half with the best intentions can actually demotivate us, according to a study. 如果你计划重新装修...
10-10-04 Our ideal image of the perfect partner differs greatly from our real-life partner, according to new research from the University of Sheffield and the University of Montpellier in France. The research found that our actual partners are of a different...
10-04-04 A fifth of spouses admit checking their partner's emails or text messages, according to a new study. 一项最新研究显示,英国五分之一的已婚夫妇承认自己曾检查过伴侣的电子邮件或短信。 When partners were asked whether they had read their spouses emails,...
09-10-19 The White House has said that it will take no decision on sending more troops to Afghanistan until it determines the new government is a true partner. 白宫发言人称,直到确定阿富汗新政府是真正的合作者之前,不会向阿富汗派遣更多部队。 The focus, Mr Ema...