• 北极白鲸体内发现猫类寄生虫

    14-02-15 University of British Columbia scientists have found for the first time an infectious form of the cat parasite Toxoplasma gondii in western Arctic Beluga, prompting a health advisory to the Inuit people who eat whale meat. The same team also discove...

  • gift parasite 礼物寄生虫

    14-02-11 Gift parasite is a person who adds their name to a gift tag in order to claim partial credit for giving the gift. 礼物寄生虫指的是把名字加在礼物标签上写的送礼人名单里,以便能沾到一点功劳。 Example: I'm totally broke so I had to be a gift parasite an...

  • 减少狗类寄生虫的传播

    13-02-06 The UK dog population is estimated to be around ten million, with dogs producing approximately 1,000 tonnes of excrement(粪便) each day. New research has shown that dogs act as a major source of the parasite egg, Toxocara, which can potentially co...

  • 气候变化影响狐猴传染病的传播

    13-01-24 Rising temperatures and shifting rainfall patterns in Madagascar could fuel the spread of lemur(狐猴) parasites and the diseases they carry. By combining data on six parasite species from ongoing surveys of lemur health with weather data and other...

  • 植物如何对付寄生虫和病菌

    12-03-07 In nature, how do host species survive parasite attacks? This has not been well understood, until now. A new mathematical model shows that when a host and its parasite each have multiple traits governing their interaction, the host has a unique evol...

  • 某蛋白质可保护寄生虫免受宿主伤害

    10-12-29 Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have learned why changes in a single gene, ROP18, contribute substantially(实质上,大体上) to dangerous forms of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii(弓形虫) . The answer has likely...

  • 树叶化石显示史前寄生虫状况

    10-08-19 A 48-million-year-old fossilised leaf has revealed the oldest known evidence of a macabre(可怕的) part of nature parasites(寄生虫) taking control of their hosts to turn them into zombies(僵尸) . The discovery has been made by a research team l...

  • 生吃小龙虾有可能感染寄生虫

    10-05-26 If you're headed to a freshwater stream this summer and a friend dares you to eat a raw crayfish(小龙虾) don't do it. You could end up in the hospital with a severe parasitic(寄生的) infection. Physicians at Washington University School of Medic...

  • 猩猩身上首次发现恶性疟疾

    10-01-19 The parasite which causes malignant malaria in humans has been identified in gorillas for the first time. 科学家在大猩猩身上首次发现存在于人类当中、可以引起恶性疟疾的寄生虫。 The malaria parasite was found in a sample from the cross river gorillla R...

  • 科学家发现疟原虫瞒骗人类免疫系统的方式

    09-12-01 Malaria parasites(疟原虫) are able to disguise(假装,伪装) themselves to avoid the host's immune system, according to research funded by the Wellcome Trust and published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Malar...