• new paranoia 新偏执狂

    16-01-28 Donald Trump is the symptom of a new paranoia in American politics. 唐纳德特朗普是美国政治中一种新偏执狂现象的写照。 To many Trump remains more of an opportunist than an ardent racist - an irresponsible man who will say anything to win. The words tu...

  • April Fools paranoia 愚人节妄想狂

    14-05-21 When someone is so obsessed by April Fools, they don't trust anyone and don't believe in anything on that day. This is called April Fools paranoia . 如果一个人特别在意愚人节,他们在那天就不肯相信任何人和任何听到的事情。这就是愚人节妄想狂。 Example:...

  • 邻里之间串门做客能相互改变社会态度

    14-01-15 Spending as little as 45 minutes in a high-crime, deprived neighborhood can have measurable effects on people's trust in others and their feelings of paranoia(偏执狂) . In a new study, students who visited high crime neighborhoods quickly develope...
