• 《比得兔》精彩词句

    23-01-29 1. I think were all on the same page. 我想他们都明白了。 2. I almost got through that with a straight face. 我差点就能一本正经地说完了。 3. Knock yourself out. 敞开肚皮吃吧。 4. Im just a little out of my element. 我还没适应这里的生活。 5. He was a...

  • Are we on the same page? 我们在一个节奏上的么?

    22-06-07 Are we on the same page? 我们在一个节奏上的么? 这里的page,就好像说话人滔滔不绝就像在读一本书一样,所以问听话的人你和我在同一页上吗?,就是问你听懂了吗,跟上我的节奏了吗? 例句: Are we on the same page? Just let me know if you have any question....