• 相对固定的量词搭配——动物、人

    22-05-26 a pack of dogs 一群狗 a troop of monkeys 一群猴子 a brood of chicks 一窝小鸡 a plague of locusts 一群蝗虫 a swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂 a gang of elks 一群驼鹿 a school of fish 一群鱼 a pack of wolves 一群狼 a herd of cattle 一群家畜 a flock of birds一群...

  • doggy bag 打包袋

    22-04-21 Doggy bag 的来历:据说是美国人想把吃剩的饭菜打包回家,但又碍于面子,因此就故意说要把饭菜带回家喂狗(原来美国人也那么有心机)。在英语里,还有其他表示打包的常用语,请掌握: 1. I want to pack the food. 我想要把食物打包。 * pack作为动词表示打包、包装某...

  • leader of the pack 领头者

    21-12-20 短语 the leader of the pack 的意思是领头者,起领头作用。 例句 Bradley Wiggins is the leader of the pack in the Tour de France! For many, Madonna is seen at the leader of the pack in the world of female pop stars. 请注意 短语 a pack mentality 的意思...

  • a pack of lies 谎话连篇

    21-07-14 这是一个和撒谎有关的表达,如果一个人所说的话是 a pack of lies,意思是此人叙述的一系列故事、经历等从头到尾全是假话。其中,量词词组 a pack of 指一堆、一群,用来形容某人谎话连篇、一派胡言。 另一个含义相同的正式说法是a tissue of lies,在这里,名词 tissu...

  • 母狼的死亡威胁种群生存

    14-07-09 When a breeding wolf dies, its sex and the size of its pack can determine whether that pack continues, according to research published July online by the Journal of Animal Ecology. In 2012, biologists at Denali National Park and Preserve noted a dro...

  • 九个有用的打包技巧

    14-05-11 Digging out your suitcase, deciding what to bring, panicking that you've forgotten something --it's no way to start a trip. 翻看行李箱、思考要带些什么、唯恐忘带某些东西这可没法让你成行。 That's why we've distilled the art of packing down to nine ess...

  • Hit the trail

    11-03-08 A hike was the perfect order of the day. The boys were excited about the idea. It would be a good workout(锻炼,练习) and it would be good to be together. We planned to leave immediately after lunch. I noticed Daniel, who will be ten in November,...
