• 让人更加困惑的喵星人潜伏五彩猫头鹰图

    15-12-27 Just days after the panda swept the internet another illustration featuring a cat hidden among dozens of brightly coloured owls has left thousands of people flummoxed. 熊猫图席卷网络的风潮刚过去没几天,又来了一个喵星人潜伏五彩猫头鹰图,再次让成千上...

  • Midnight, Talking About Our Exes

    15-09-14 Midnight, Talking About Our Exes Ada Limn The sun is still down and maybe even downer. Two owls, one white and one large-eared, dive into a nothingness that is a field, night-beast in the swoop-down, (the way we all have to make a living). Let's be...

  • 晚睡的人很难坚持运动

    15-02-16 Late sleepers more sedentary and find it harder to exercise, study found. Night owls also make up more reasons not to be active. 研究表明,晚睡的人都有久坐不动的习惯,很难坚持运动。夜猫子们也为自己不运动找了很多理由。 Adults should take 150 minutes...

  • The Owl

    13-06-08 Two or three hundred years ago, when people were far from being so crafty(狡猾的) and cunning as they are now-a-day, an extraordinary event took place in a little town. By some mischance one of the great owls, called horned owls, had come from the...

  • 夜猫子似乎更聪明更富有

    13-03-29 They are most likely to be healthy, wealthy and wise, according to the old adage. But those who are early to bed and early to rise do not always have the upper hand, researchers say. 老话说,早睡早起使人健康、富裕、聪慧。但研究者称,那些早睡早起的人...

  • 猫头鹰无声飞行有助飞机噪声研究

    12-11-20 Owls have the uncanny(神秘的) ability to fly silently, relying on specialized plumage to reduce noise so they can hunt in acoustic stealth(秘密行动) . Researchers from the University of Cambridge, England, are studying the owl's wing structure t...

  • 菲律宾发现两新品种猫头鹰

    12-08-20 Two new species of owls have been discovered in the Philippines, and a Michigan State University researcher played a key role in confirming their existence. The discovery, which is featured in the current issue of Forktail, the Journal of Asian Orni...

  • 侦探犬被用于寻找花斑猫头鹰

    12-08-16 A series of forest searches by dogs specially trained to sniff out northern spotted owl pellets(芯块,小球) -- the undigested bones, fur and other bits regurgitated(反刍) by owls -- improved the probability of finding the owls by nearly 30 perce...

  • 《哈利·波特》风靡 印度猫头鹰遭殃

    10-11-06 印度环境部长近日对《哈利波特》系列作品公开指责,称该系列作品的风靡让越来越多的人通过非法途径购买猫头鹰,从而导致印度野生猫头鹰的数量日渐减少。 Harry Potter with his snowy owl. Harry Potter has been blamed for the dwindling(减小,变小) number of wi...
