• 我emo了 我抑郁了

    21-08-10 最近常常在各大平台上看到网友评论我emo了我直接emo,甚至还有人开通了emo话题,但是很多小伙伴还不知道我emo了究竟是什么意思。今天我们就来一探究竟。 我们可以看到,网友们在表达我emo了的时候其实是在表达自己的情绪不佳,较为抑郁。 所以我emo了可以理解为我颓废...

  • 交互式3D打印可穿戴外套

    15-10-05 It is an outfit that attracts attention - and one that can stare back. 这是一件引人注目,同时也能反观外界的外套。 Fitted with a range of gadgetry, this fabric is covered with smart fibres that can expand and contract depending on who, and where, peo...

  • 服装品牌影响面试结果

    15-05-03 Imagine this: You're interviewing two people for a job. They're equally competent, capable, and qualified -- but you can see that one is wearing an outfit from HM and the other's clothes are clearly from Louis Vuitton. Which candidate will you hire?...

  • 现代女性需要40小时才能购置完美的外出装备

    15-04-19 For modern woman the quest for the perfect outfit requires meticulous planning that can take almost 40 hours to complete, says the study. 一项研究表明,现代女性追求完美的外出装备,她们需要精心策划,几乎需要40个小时才能完成这项任务。 Researchers have...

  • Outfit Repetition Syndrome 穿衣重样综合症

    15-02-07 A survey carried out by Oxfam has revealed that thousands of women are suffering from so-called ' Outfit Repetition Syndrome '. Out of the 2,000 women surveyed, 46 percent said they wouldn't wear their favourite party outfits more than five times....

  • 72%的伴娘曾扮丑以反衬新娘

    14-11-30 A new survey has revealed the lengths some brides will go to in order to make sure she shines on her big day. 一项新的调查显示,一些新娘会不择手段,只为保证她们能在自己的婚礼上光彩照人。 In a recent poll of 1,000 bridesmaids, 72 percent of those que...

  • 凯特王妃将乔治的口水抹在自己裙子上

    14-04-27 据英国《每日邮报》报道,凯特王妃在带乔治小王子去悉尼塔龙加动物园玩的时候被目击把小王子的口水抹在自己那条设计师量身定做的裙子上。 The Duchess of Cambridge was spotted discreetly wiping Prince George's drool(口水) on her designer dress during a visi...

  • 中山装在正式场合日趋流行

    14-03-31 President Xi Jinping appeared at Saturday's state banquet hosted by the Dutch royal family in a formal traditional Chinese suit, which experts say displayed the leader's national pride and confidence in Chinese culture. 3月22日,在荷兰王室举行的国宴...
