• out of line 不合常规

    22-07-22 out of line 这个短语的字面意思是不成直线没对齐,因此引申出不合常规出格越轨等含义,也可以理解为离谱。 例:One of the students was out of line. 有一个学生没对齐。 例:That comment was way out of line. 那句评论非常不当。...

  • out of the woods 脱离危险

    22-07-04 Out of the woods 走出树林 含义: 脱离危险;摆脱困境。 例句: My business was losing money for several months. I thought about closing the business. Fortunately, the economy is better, and my business is doing well now. Im out of the woods. 我的生意好...

  • eat your heart out 妒忌或羡慕别人

    22-07-04 Eat your heart out 指妒忌或羡慕别人。 Im going to New York next week. Eat your heart out! 我下周就要去纽约了。你就嫉妒吧! When he hears about your promotion hell eat his heart out. 他要是听到你升职的消息,肯定羡慕得不得了。 Follow your heart 跟从内...