• 62岁世界最长寿苏门答腊猩猩Puan去世

    18-06-20 The oldest orangutan in the world, Puan, has died aged 62 on Monday at Western Australias Perth Zoo. 62岁的世界最长寿苏门答腊猩猩Puan周一在西澳大利亚珀斯动物园去世。 Thought to be born in 1956, the female Sumatran Orangutan was euthanized after her...

  • 苏门答腊猩猩的种群数量比预想多

    16-03-07 Sumatran orangutans, one of the two existing species of orangutans, live exclusively in the North of the Indonesian island Sumatra and are critically endangered. This great ape is threatened by poaching and forest loss, as its habitat is being conve...

  • 阿根廷法院判定一只猩猩为“非人类人” 可获自由

    14-12-27 An orangutan held in an Argentine zoo can be freed and transferred to a sanctuary after a court recognized the ape as a non-human person unlawfully deprived of its freedom, local media reported on Sunday. 阿根廷当地媒体周日报道,阿根廷一家法院认为当...

  • 印尼一只猩猩被隔离起来戒烟

    12-07-27 Zookeepers in Indonesia have moved a smoking orangutan away from visitors to a small island to help her quit the habit. 印尼动物饲养员将一只吸烟的猩猩隔离到一座小岛上来帮助她戒烟。 Tori has been smoking cigarettes thrown into her cage for a decade T...

  • 人类与猩猩有相同的文化演化根源

    11-10-21 Culture is not a trait that is unique to humans. By studying orangutan(猩猩) populations, a team of researchers headed by anthropologist(人类学家) Michael Krtzen from the University of Zurich has demonstrated that great apes also have the abilit...

  • Orangutan ruse misleads predators 猩猩妙计吓天敌

    09-08-06 Wi ld orangutans in Borneo hold leaves to their mouths to make their voices sound deeper than they actually are, a new study shows. 一项新研究显示,波罗洲的野生星星将树叶贴近嘴边使它们的声音听起来比平常低沉。 The leaf trick gives an exaggerated impr...
