14-10-27 A survey published this year found that over 50% of final year veterinary students in the UK do not feel confident either in discussing orodental problems with clients or in performing a detailed examination of the oral cavity of their small animal...
14-04-09 Dentists say elite athletes could stand a better chance of winning gold medals if they look after their teeth. 牙医称,优秀的运动员如果能好好对待自己的牙齿,那么他们获金牌的机会会更大。 The Oral Health and Performance in Sport conference in London h...
11-04-24 The International and American Associations for Dental Research (IADR/AADR) have published two studies about oral health inequalities in older people and low income individuals. These articles, titled Income-related Inequalities in Dental Service Ut...
09-08-11 Alcohol is largely to blame for an alarming rise in the rate of oral cancers among men and women in their forties, say experts. 专家称,男人和女人在四十岁左右口腔癌的患病几率显著上升的一个重要原因是酒精。 Men are advised to drink no more than three...