• 人脑阿片受体原子结构被确立

    12-03-22 Scientists have for the first time determined the three-dimensional atomic structure of a human opioid(阿片样物质) receptor, a molecule on the surface of brain cells that binds to opioids and is centrally involved in pleasure, pain, addiction, dep...

  • 阿片类处方药研究发现令人担忧之处

    11-04-06 An analysis of national prescribing patterns shows that more than half of patients who received an opioid(阿片样物质) prescription in 2009 had filled another opioid prescription within the previous 30 days. This report also suggested potential opp...

  • 协同照护对阿片上瘾病人有特效

    11-03-15 Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have found that for the majority of patients with opioid(类鸦片) addiction, collaborative care with nurse care managers is a successful method of service delivery while effectively utili...
