• opinions differ 见仁见智

    21-12-15 见仁见智,汉语成语,意思是对同一个问题,不同的人从不同的立场或角度有不同的看法。可以翻译为opinions differ,each according to his lights或different people, different views等。 例句: 代表们见仁见智,发表了很多意见,会议开得生动活泼。 With different v...

  • 真正的自我 从不会被弄丢

    20-09-06 Finding yourself is not really how it works. You arent a ten-dollar bill in last winters coat pocket. You are also not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning , other peoples opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you d...

  • 网上的肯定观点影响人们的判断力

    13-08-09 Are you influenced by the opinions of other people -- say, in the comments sections of websites? If your answer is no, here's another question: Are you sure? A new study co-authored by an MIT professor suggests that many people are, in fact, heavily...
