• 给出建议

    22-04-19 As far as Im concerned 我个人认为 In my opinion In my view 在我看来 From my point of view 从我的角度上来说 The way I see it is (that) 我认为是这样的 To my mind 据我看来;依我的看法 Well, I reckon (that) 嗯,我认为 I (strongly) believe (that) 我(坚定...

  • IMHO my humble opinion 恕我直言

    22-02-08 IMHO my humble opinion 恕我直言 IMHO是一个美国的俚语,是汉语里恕我直言的意思,请看例句: Jin Yong is more literary, which sometimes may get a little heavy handed, IMHO. 恕我直言,金庸有时过于文艺了。...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 14

    21-11-29 The next morning was fair, and Catherine almost expected another attack from the assembled party. With Mr. Allen to support her, she felt no dread of the event: but she would gladly be spared a contest, where victory itself was painful, and was hear...

  • 外国人聊天时常用的网络用语

    21-06-03 AFAIK = as far as I know 据我所知 ASAP = as soon as possible 尽快 BBS = be back soon 很快回来 BFF = best friends forever 死党 BTW = by the way 顺便说一句 DAE = Does anyone else 还有人吗? FYI = for your information 供你参考 IIRC = if I recall/rememb...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 51

    21-03-20 This letter must make its way to Emmas feelings. She was obliged, in spite of her previous determination to the contrary, to do it all the justice that Mrs. Weston foretold. As soon as she came to her own name, it was irresistible; every line relati...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 17

    21-03-17 Mr. and Mrs. John Knightley were not detained long at Hartfield. The weather soon improved enough for those to move who must move; and Mr. Woodhouse having, as usual, tried to persuade his daughter to stay behind with all her children, was obliged t...

  • not see eye to eye 意见相左

    21-02-08 意见相左,意思是想法不同、意见不合,相左表示不一致。可以翻译为conflict with each other或disagree in opinion。或用not see eye to eye表示,意思是to not agree,to not share a position or opinion with someone。 例句: 首相在这个问题上与他意见相左。 The...

  • contrarian 杠精

    21-01-13 杠精则是为了反对而反对,要和别人的言论对立,但没有什么道理。我们可以用contrarian表示。 contrarian 与一般大众想法相反的人,唱反调的人 例句: He is a contrarian who frequently writes controversial opinion pieces. 他总是唱反调,经常写一些有争议的文章。...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 3

    16-01-06 'a good 'spectable chimbley-sweepin' bisness,' said Mr. Gamfield, 'I wants a 'prentis, and I am ready to take him.' 'Walk in,' said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. Mr. Gamfield having lingered behind, to give the donkey another blow on the hea...

  • fast food opinion 快餐观点

    14-01-22 Fast food opinion is a blatantly regurgitated, prepackaged opinion. An opinion that requires no research, independent thought, wit, or creativity of one's own. It is generally political, or theological in nature. 快餐观点是从别人那里听到的不加思考就...