• 澳网卫冕冠军德约科维奇不接种疫苗引不满

    22-01-10 著名网球运动员、澳网卫冕冠军诺瓦克德约科维奇于1月4日宣布,将在不接种新冠疫苗的情况下参加澳大利亚网球公开赛,消息一出,引发澳大利亚公众不满。 The decision to grant Novak Djokovic an exemption from Covid-19 vaccination requirements to play in the Aust...

  • open a back door 开后门

    21-11-15 走后门字面意思是enter by the back door,比喻不是通过正当途径,而是通过内部关系谋取通融或利益(secure advantages through pull or influence),带有贬义。 开后门(open a back door),则比喻当权者以权谋私,滥用职权为他人提供方便(abuse ones powers to se...

  • an open book 一目了然的,易看穿的

    21-11-12 An open book 一本打开的书 =一目了然的,易看穿的 联想记忆:书都打开了,所以一目了然,什么都看得清清楚楚。 例句: My life is an open book and I have no secret. 我的生活很明了,没有秘密可言。...

  • Self-Portrait As Mango

    21-06-07 Self-Portrait As Mango Tarfia Faizullah She says, Your English is great! How long have you been in our country? I say, Suck on a mango, bitch, since thats all you think I eat anyway. Mangoes are what margins like me know everything about, right? Doe...

  • be easily solved 迎刃而解

    21-03-13 迎刃而解,汉语成语,字面意思是劈竹子,头上几节一破开,下面的就随着刀口裂开了([of a bamboo] split all the way down once its been chopped open)。比喻主要问题解决了,其他有关的问题就很容易解决。可以翻译为be easily solved。 例句: 思想问题解决了,矛盾...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 7

    21-02-24 Swiftly the echoes of the shots died away, leaving the still serenity of the night again unruffled. For a moment or two Stratton waited expectantly; then his shoulders squared decisively. I reckon its up to us to find out whats going on down there,...

  • open sesame 芝麻开门

    20-12-16 芝麻开门的英语就是open sesame,英语释义是something that makes it very easy to achieve a particular thing,形容(达到的)法宝,通行手段,开门咒语。用法就是搭配to,比如: Academic success is not always an open sesame to a well-paid job. 在校成绩好并非...

  • 浙江大湾区自行车公开赛6月开赛

    19-05-10 The sports bureau of Zhejiang has introduced another international cycling event in the province after the Tour of Taihu Lake. 继环太湖国际公路自行车赛后,浙江体育局将另一个国际自行车赛事引入。 The 2019 Zhejiang Great Bay Area Cycling Open will begi...