• 洋葱能吸收有害重金属

    12-12-11 Onion and garlic waste from the food industry could be used to mop up hazardous heavy metals, including arsenic(砷) , cadmium(镉) , iron, lead, mercury and tin in contaminated materials, according to a research paper published in the Internation...

  • Womanizer 洋葱男

    12-09-19 Womanizer is a guy who gets every girl to like him. a gutless and senseless man who treats every girl like theyre the girl for him, then lets them down by having MANY other girls on the side. Womanizer就是指到处讨好女孩子,让她们以为自己就是他生命中...

  • 洋葱干表皮另有妙用

    11-07-15 More than 500,000 tonnes of onion waste are thrown away in the European Union each year. However, scientists say this could have a use as food ingredients(食品添加剂) . The brown skin and external layers are rich in fibre and flavonoids(黄酮类)...
