• be self-contradictory 自相矛盾

    22-10-17 自相矛盾,汉语成语,比喻自己的言行前后抵触。可以翻译为be self-contradictory,argue against oneself等。 例句: 他的话自相矛盾。 What he says is self-contradictory....

  • self-deceiving 自欺欺人

    21-12-08 自欺欺人,汉语成语,用自己都无法相信的话或手法来欺骗别人,既欺骗自己,也欺骗别人,常用来形容不肯面对事实。可以翻译为deceive oneself as well as others或self-deceiving等。 例句: 你不要用这种伪科学自欺欺人了。 Dont fool yourself as well as others by t...

  • 古人“名、字、号”的译法

    13-06-03 古人多有名,字,号。比如唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人李白,字太白,号青莲居士。在古代,名是人名;字,是根据人名中的字义另取的名字;号,原指名和字以外另起的别号,后来也泛指名以外另起的字。按我国古代习惯,字是男子的正式称呼,用于社会交往,而名多用于自称,或...

  • 悟透“自己”

    11-10-10 In all one's lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with. But it is precisely oneself that one has the least understanding of. When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate yourself. It seems that ev...
