• 《花花公子》将重新开始刊登裸照

    17-02-19 Playboy magazine has announced it is bringing back nudity, reversing a decision made last year. 《花花公子》杂志日前宣布,将重新开始刊登裸照,改正去年的错误决定。 The move was announced by Playboys new chief creative officer Cooper Hefner, who said...

  • “雪诺”参演舞台剧 剧中大量裸照流出

    16-05-04 Actor Kit Harington might be dead on Game of Thrones, but in real life hes been plastered across the internet in the altogether. 男演员基特哈灵顿也许在《权力的游戏》中已经挂了,但是在真实生活中他一丝不挂的照片却铺天盖地地出现在网络上。 The star - wh...

  • 旧金山通过禁裸法案

    12-11-21 San Francisco lawmakers have voted to ban nudity in public places. 旧金山立法委员投票通过了禁止在公共场所裸体的决议。 City officials voted 6-5 in favour of banning anyone over five from exposing his or her genitals(生殖器) , perineum(会阴) or an...
