• in store 即将发生

    22-02-09 in store不是储藏的意思嘛,有句话叫未雨绸缪,囤东西就是要为以后做准备。 所以in store也有即将发生的意思哦: You never know whats in store for you. 你永远不会知道等待你的是什么。...

  • have never been heard of since 杳无音信

    21-09-10 杳无音信,汉语成语,指一点消息也没有,形容失去联系或没有方式联系。可以翻译为there has been no news whatsoever about somebody,not heard from ... at all或have never been heard of since等。 例句: 他走后一直杳无音信。 Hes never been heard of since he...

  • 英文撒娇口语大全

    17-03-21 Oh, come on! 哎唷,拜托啦! Dont be so mean. 不要这么凶嘛。 Just this once. Ill never ask again. 就这么一次。我不会再这样要求了。 You never...for me. 你从来都没 If you loved me, you would... 如果你爱我,你就会 Ill make it up to you. 我会报答你的。 (k...
