• have pins and needles 身体局部发麻

    21-04-15 在英语口语会话中,pins and needles 被用来形容身体某个部位像被无数根针尖轻轻触及一样 发麻,有针刺感。在描述这个感觉时,人们通常说: I have pins and needles. 我身体局部发麻。 通常情况下,发麻这个症状是由于身体的某个部位长时间不活动或使用过度而产生的一...

  • 科学家研发出一种无痛疫苗贴

    17-07-04 The end of painful vaccination jabs is on the horizon after scientists proved that a skin patch is just as effective at inoculating patients and can be applied at home in just a few minutes. 打疫苗的疼痛很快就要终结了,科学家证实,贴在皮肤上的疫苗贴...

  • 奥斯卡导演杜能斯马克迷上中国针灸

    17-05-09 When the acupuncture needles were inserted into his body, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, the Oscar-winning director, struggled to keep smiling in front of his wife and three kids, who were holding breath and watching attentively. 当针灸针扎到弗洛...

  • 英国卫生署提醒美容行业注意卫生问题

    13-09-29 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence says growing numbers of people are injecting tanning agents, dermal fillers and Botox at home and in salons, and some are lax about hygiene. 英国国家卫生医疗质量标准署称,如今,越来越多的人在家或...
