• granny nanny 奶奶保姆

    17-09-14 Granny nanny is a grandmother who cares for her grandchildren while their parents are working. 奶奶保姆指的是在儿女上班时,承担起照顾孙子孙女工作的祖母或外祖母。 Families squeezed by falling real incomes and rising childcare costs are increasingly r...

  • nanny blacklist 保姆黑名单

    16-05-16 The first names have been added to a nanny blacklist created by an alliance of 30 housekeeping service agencies in Shanghai to better regulate the market and deter unsuitable caregivers. 为了更好地规范市场,防止业主雇佣到不合格保姆,上海某家政联盟信...

  • smartphone nanny 手机保姆

    13-05-21 When parents are too busy to spend time with their kids, they give them a smartphone or a tablet. All kinds of online games will entertain their kids and be their good friend. And once the children are addicted to these games, they will leave their...
